Stonehenge is a circle of 17 upright stones called sarsens which stand on Saisbury Plain in southwest England. The stones weigh up to 50 tonnes and have other stones, called lintels, laid across the top. There is also an inner circle of smaller bluestones weighing up to four tonnes each. Stonehenge is the only stone circle in the world with lintels across the top of the stones, and experts think it was completed in about 1500 B.C.
They belive that the sarsen stones were transported from 32 k.m away and the bluestones came from an incredible 250 km away. At least 600 men would have been needed to move each sarsen stone on some of the steepest parts of the journey. Nobody knows exactly why Stonehenge was built, but it may have been druids temple or even a kind a astronomical calendar.
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