4. The Health Myths and the Truths Behind It.

There are countless health myths believed for generation. And now, scientists have debunked the biggest health myths that have existed untill now, reports The Mirror. The Myths and truths are:

1. Myth: Eating carbs makes you fat.

Truth: According to the Food Standards Agency, starchy foods only become fattening when actual fat, such as cream or margrine, is added. Carbs contain less than half the calories of fat and tend to be more filling, making you less likely to overeat.

2. Myth:You need to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Truth: Scientists at the university of Pennesylvania found not a single study to back this up. Excessive amount of water can actually be dangerous, even fatal. Most people only need 750ml to 1 litre and can get this from juice, tea, coffee or bear.

3. Myth:The flu jab can give you flu

Truth: The flu jab isn't a live vaccine; so it can't infect you withthe virus. People make this mistke because the jab is usually given in autumn, the peak time for cold virusess. If they go on to get a minor cold they misinterpret it as flu.

4. Myth:I am fat because i have slow metabolism.

Truth: A recent study by the university of Chicago recealed that fat people have faster metabolisms and burn off more calories as energy than slimmer people.

5. Myth: Pregnant women should eat for two

Truth: Two out of five women admit to believing this myth, according to SMA Nutrition. But they only need an extra 200 calories a day- equal to two slices of bread- and even then, only in the last three months.

6. Myth: Vitamins make you live longer

Truth: Popping 'antioxident' vitamins such C, A and E won't extend your life, concluded on study last year. They may even lead to a premature death.

7. Myth: Chocolate gives you spots.

Truth: Acne is caused by the effects of hormones on sebaceous oil glands in the skin. This is why it particularly affect teenagers and can also be increased by stress. So chocolate won't make a difference.

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